Friday, April 17, 2015

Add your blogspot URL in Google Webmaster tool using HTML Meta Tag

Pre-requisites: You need your own Google Account which will be used to access Google Webmaster tools or services.

Step# 1: Go to Google Webmaster tool using following URL and login with your Google Account.

Step# 2: Click on "Add a Site" button on the right hand corner.

Step# 3: Give the URL of your blogspot blog in popup that comes up after clicking "Add a Site" button.

Step# 4: Google Webmaster tool will ask to verify that given BLOG is owned by you. There are many ways to verify this, but lets see how to verify this using HTML Meta Tag. 

On the “Alternate Methods” tab, choose the option “HTML Tag”. It will provide you a <meta> tag after you choose this option using a radio button.

Copy that tag and keep it.

Step# 5: Go to and open your blog which you need to add & verify in Google Webmaster tool.

Step# 6: In the left hand side navigation options, you will see “Templates”. Click that option.

It has a button “Edit HTML”. Click that button to put that META tag in your HTML.

Step# 7: Add your meta tag provided by Google under the <head> Tag in HTML. Then click the Orange button that says “Save Template”.

Step# 8: Now go back to Google Webmaster tool and click the button “Verify”. This will give you a confirmation message that says that "you have successfully verified your ownership".

We are done. Your site is added in Google Webmaster Tool. It should now come in search results in fewer days than expected.

Hope this helps.

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